The RF Explorer product line includes several models that differ in the frequency bands they support. Depending on your application, deciding on which model best fits your needs may be an obvious choice or not. Furthermore, it could be more than one model would be suitable. Your choice will typically involve selecting a model that includes a radio module that supports the frequency range or ranges you currently monitor and plan on monitoring in the near future.
Combo Models (i.e. Two Radio Modules)
Model 3G Combo
Radio module #1 supports the frequency range 15 – 2700 MHz; radio module #2 supports the frequency range 240- 960 MHz.
Model 3G-24G Combo
Radio module #1 supports the frequency range 15 – 2700 MHz; radio module #2 supports the frequency range 2350 – 2550 MHz.
Model ISM Combo
Radio module #1 supports the frequency range 240 – 960 MHz; radio module #2 supports the frequency range 2350 – 2550 MHz.
Single-Band Models (i.e. One Radio Module)
Model WSUB1G
Radio module #1 supports the frequency range 240 – 960 MHz.
Model 2.4G
Radio module #1 supports the frequency range 2350 – 2550 MHz.
Why Overlapping Radio Modules?
The Models 3G Combo and 3G-24G Combo both include a wide-band radio module that overlaps with a more narrow-band radio module — the reason for this is best understood by explaining how the devices evolved. Originally there were only narrow-band models — but when the frequency range was extended a design decision was made to “piggy-back” a 15-2700 MHz radio module onto an existing base model rather than start from scratch and create yet another device (which would have been more expensive). Since the 15-2700 MHz radio module includes the frequency range of the other radio module then it can be used for most applications. However, there are times when it is best to use the more narrow-band radio module. For example, if you are trouble-shooting a Wi-Fi problem then you might choose to use the 3G-24G Combo’s 2350-2550 MHz radio module since you will see better performance compared to the wide-band radio module. Similarly, if you are working in the UHF range as an RF audio engineer then you will see better performance using the 240-960 MHz radio module. Also, each radio module uses a different antenna, which will affect the sensitivity in the frequency range you are working in.
General-Purpose RF Spectrum Analysis
Choose Model 3G Combo — it covers the most common RF bands.
Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Problems
Choose Model 3G-24G Combo — in addition to covering the most RF bands it also includes a 2.4G radio module for better performance when scanning the 2.4G band.
Wireless Pro Audio
Choose Model 3G Combo or WSUB1G — these both include a 240-960 MHz radio module, which is the frequency range used by wireless microphones and in-ear monitors (IEMs).
Wireless Pro Audio And Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Problems
Choose Model ISM Combo — it includes narrow-band radios for each of those bands. However, because it does not include a wide-band radio module then it is less than ideal for general-purpose RF spectrum analysis.