To run a Windows application that interfaces with your RF Explorer device please follow the steps below:
(1) Ensure your Windows PC currently has Microsoft .NET Framework version 4 installed (or a higher version). If you are not sure then the following links can help you determine what is the latest version of .NET Framework currently installed on your machine:
Check version of .NET Framework
Check version of .NET Framework
If you need to download and install .NET Framework version 4.0 please use this link to Microsoft’s web site to download Microsoft .NET Framework 4:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer)
(2) Install USB Drivers from Silicon Labs for Windows – 32 and 64 bits. RF Explorer uses an embedded CP2102 USB device internally to connect with the PC. After downloading then extract and run CP210x_VCP_Win_XP_S2K3_Vista_7.exe.
(3) Download the latest firmware from here:
All models: RF Explorer Firmware
(4) Download and install the latest version of PC Client software for Windows (32- and 64-bits) from here:
PC Client Software for Windows
(5) In the same folder where RF Explorer for Windows was installed look for the file ‘RF Explorer Firmware Update Loader.exe’. After attaching the RF Explorer device to your Windows PC via USB cable then run this tool to update it with the firmware that was downloaded in step (3).
(6) You should now be able to run the PC Client software for Windows that you downloaded in step (4).